Those who think that designing a website with Google AdSense is a very easy job to do, it is just all about getting the plain and bland AdSense code and flaunting it at the right of the site will do the job are actually living in a myth. These days with the popularity of website related businesses, more and number of people are lining up for internet and website related businesses. In this lot of people a huge number of web owners use the Google AdSense program to create their own ad units. In this tough competition to design the ads in the default mode provided by the AdSense does not make too much sense. To generate more and more clicks on the ads all that are required is to make the advertisements attractive among the users. It is to be taken care of that the web users should not be affected by ad blindness and thus ignore the ads. So the ads should be customized for the particular site for which it is being flaunted for. Colour plays a very significant role in this customization process. There are few techniques of mixing and blending colour which can help in the development of unique ad units.
So, the question is how to utilize an important to like colour to design unique ad units? Well, there is no big technology in it. What all is required is the energy to devote some time on testing different colour variations for the ads. The colour blending is a very commonly used strategy. Blending means, blending the colour of the ads with the background colour of the site. The colour scheme should match the theme of the site too. A proper blending can give the ads the required exquisite look and can reflect the theme of the site. A proper blending provides a professional touch to the site. Customizing a colour palette in the settings of the account can also be helpful. Sometimes, using bright colours might help. So, there is no standardized formula for the success of any colour scheme. It depends absolutely on the theme of the site and thus the success factor lies in the trial and error method of the designer.