Attn Network Marketers: You Don’t Actually Own Your Network Marketing Business. I’ll Prove It.

This one was a bit tough for me to swallow when I discovered the truth, so you’re going to have to stick with me on this one.

Despite what most networkers think, you don’t actually OWN your network marketing business.

“But my company told me that I’m a business owner! And that I can write off my expenses.”

I know. But I’m really sorry. Here are the facts.

* You don’t own the company name or the company logo. * You don’t own your replicated distributor website. * You don’t own the products and services. * You don’t even own your downline!!!

Plus “writing off expenses” is not a good reason to get into business in the first place.

So let me put this another way.

Business owners own assets. And your opportunity is NOT an asset because you don’t REALLY own anything.

So that doesn’t make you much of a business owner does it?

This isn’t conspiracy talk; I’m not trying to tick you off; and I’m definitely not to discrediting your efforts as an entrepreneur. But I have to lay down the facts.

You’re building someone else’s company and everything you’ve built in your business can be taken away from you at the drop of a dime. You essentially have NO rights.

And if you don’t believe me, then re-read the rep agreement you signed when you first started in your opportunity.

So why am I telling you all this?

Be sure to stay with me here…

There are 3 main reasons.

1. I’m tired of companies pushing the glorified “build yourself an asset” bullsh*t in presentations when they’re not really teaching you how to build a real asset that you own (excuse my language but I get passionate about this sort of stuff…) 2. I know that hard working network marketers deserve WAY better. 3. I want to teach you a simple way to turn your network marketing business and hard work into a REAL ASSET (not just a downline that you don’t even own and can be taken away from you at any time.)

And I’m not saying that the companies we work with have lied to us, but they do have a way of telling us certain things and not highlighting others.

” how do I turn my network marketing business into a real asset? Something that I really own?”

Good question and I’ll give you a straight answer.

The only thing you will ever truly own in your network marketing business is your list of contacts.

“But I have a contact list – problem solved!!!”

Not exactly.

For that list to become a real asset, you have to know EXACTLY how to turn that list of contacts into cash, every single month – even if prospects say “No” to your opportunity.

Interesting concept isn’t it? It’s also a profitable one.

Now here’s something for those of you who are serious about building a true business…

The link below gives you free access to a step by step guide on how to turn your network marketing business into a real asset.

It’s a new training website for network marketers and home business owners. The site shows you how to build your network marketing business into a real asset. Not just a downline that can be taken away from you at any time.

Thanks to this website I’m actually building a REAL asset that will stay with me no matter what company I choose to work with.

Have you ever wondered how certain people can move from company to company and still build massive downlines in a short period of time?

Here’s your answer.

(copy and paste the link into your browser)



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